Our volunteers are local but our outreach is global!
​How to help
We are a 501(c)3 nonprofit registered as a public charity in the state of Colorado.
When you add the Sohum Global Foundation Inc. to your Employer's matching programs and donate, your employer will match your contributions and help us double the impact. Make a positive change for at-risk women, children and Veterans with special needs. Or help with our nature conservation and sustainability efforts.
Helping communities! One Person, One Project, One Donation at a time.
Our Mission:
Sohum Global Foundation has the vision to create global healing & peace through programs & resources which will help affected individuals and international organizations along three focus areas: wildlife habitat & nature conservation; women & youth at risk; and, children & soldiers with special needs. These programs will be based on Ayurveda, Yoga and Equine Therapy and are guided by the overall principle of Sohum which is to be one with the universe.
Donate Today!
As a 501(c)3 nonprofit, donations to the Sohum Global Foundation, Inc. provide tax benefits to US residents and donors who are citizens of countries that have reciprocity with the United States.
U.S. and other foreign donors who are donating here will also get confirmation receipts for tax purposes. The "Donate" buttons throughout the website can be used to contribute via Paypal. Our Tax id is 84-2560434.
​Focus project: Digital Inclusion for women and children
Our intention is to be able to help as many women and girls who apply for aid through this program. At a minimum we aim to support 24 candidates in the Colorado area in any given calendar year by sourcing a tablet or laptop as requests come in from eligible candidates. Your donation matters! Donate towards this ongoing effort and use reference code DI Empower 23 to direct funds towards this project.
​Reach out to us if you have a similar digital inclusion project that you want to highlight in your local community here in Archuleta County or in the state of CO.