Make a difference in the lives you touch - one person, one project and one community at a time!
Thank you choosing to volunteer! We need your help with local community efforts and our diverse projects. You can volunteer remotely or be hands on. Your skills, time, willing personality & positive attitude matter! Send us an email at listing "Volunteer" in subject line. Please cover the following information:
Are you volunteering for the first time? If you have volunteered before please share some of the historical work you have helped with or organizations you have supported.
What is your professional area of expertise if any, and some of your key strengths that we can tap for various tasks. for example, are you good with applying for grants, or networking, or outreach efforts or fund raising, etc?​
Currently, we need volunteers who have good organizational skills, and can help with website and social media campaigns, legal advise, accounting.
Earn valuable work experience and credits when you volunteer!
Volunteering opens doors and helps students develop confidence and interpersonal skills that helps them in future careers. You get to learn about many things and impactful social issues, you generate fantastic community good will and get great references when you seek employment. Some educational institutions will also give you credits at the school and college level towards time spent volunteering. Its a win win for our non profit, our local communities and the students!

Would you like to serve on our Board? Develop or enhance your leadership skills or be a mentor? We always aim for our teams to benefit from each other's experience and collaborate with an open mind. If interested in applying for the voluntary board position or be a volunteer project leader, email us your brief bio and a professional photo.
​For our equine therapy program, we are looking for experienced professionals who can volunteer a couple of hours a week (cowboys & cowgals are welcome!) . It will be helpful if you have worked with horses- rescued and adopted- and have previous experience in therapy programs for special needs children, and for veterans.
If you are active in the wellness field and are a practitioner of the healing arts like massage therapy, Shamanic rituals, yoga, meditation, Ayurvedic processes and cooking please reach out to us.